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HUSD Early Learning

HUSD State Pre-School Flyter

student drawing

Who We Are

Our program offers infants, toddlers, & preschool-aged children a warm, safe, inclusive environment in which
they are encouraged to learn and grow in a  developmentally appropriate manner through play-based, experiential learning.

Our Philosophy

Current research confirms that children learn best when they experience a variety of developmentally appropriate learning activities that incorporate a child’s individual strengths, needs and interests. Children play, explore, investigate, are appropriately challenged and have opportunities to be successful—all in the context of caring, supportive relationships.

Our Locations: We have preschools at Burbank, East Avenue, Eden Gardens, Fairview, Faith Ringgold, Helen Turner, Lorin Eden, Palma Ceia, Park, Ruus, & Tyrrell.  

Now Enrolling

Step 1:  Please visit our offices at 23640 Reed Way, Hayward for 2024-2025 Preschool Enrollment, Monday through Friday, between 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM. Closed 12PM - 1PM. 

Or complete the following:                

Step 2:  You will be contacted by our team!



23640 Reed Way, Hayward, CA 

Kristina Adams, M.S.Ed.
Program Director

Mitchell Ha, EdD                    Asst. Program Director    

Deborah Klimas
Administrative Secretary
Phone: (510) 723-3880 x 26103



Maria Zenteno
Phone: (510) 723-3880 x 26215

Najah Hill
Phone: (510) 723-3880 x 26213

Ruby Marquez
Phone: (510) 723-3880 x 26105

Danielle Thomas
Phone: (510) 723-3880 x 26216

Elenita Hernandez                                 Phone: (510) 723-3880 x26151 


Important Information

Our Programs

CA State Preschool

kids on playground

This is a FREE part-day state preschool program for HUSD families who are income-eligible. Our program includes children with a wide variety of developmental needs. We value full-inclusion.

Contact Information:

Kristina Adams, MS.ED
Program Director

HUSD Teen Parent Program

photo of hand and baby foot

Our program serves pregnant and parenting students, including parenting young men, who have not completed high school.               

Facts about the State Preschool Program at HUSD

  • We have 32 classes of State Preschool in 11 locations throughout HUSD serving just under 700 children. All of our classes provide inclusion of children with special needs on varying levels

  • All of our Teachers and Assistants are qualified to be Preschool Teachers under the the CA Dept. of Education Commission on Teacher Credentialing. All teaching staff also participate in continuing education/professional development as a condition for renewal and upgrade of their teaching permits 

  • Our funding comes from the CA Dept. of Education. CDE is our main oversight entity. We adhere to very strict quality assurance guidelines and follow the CA Preschool Learning Foundations which are aligned with the Common Core Standards

  • We provide a variety of support services to our children and families including Early Childhood Mental Health and Positive Behavior Support Systems in conjunction with our partners from Children's Hospital of Oakland who are regular participants in our Child Development COST Team, provide classroom consultation, and direct services

  • We hold monthly Parent/Family Education classes for all families of enrolled children where on average 50-60 parents/guardians receive education that supports them in parenting their children and home-school collaboration for life-long academic success

  • Our program is designed to provide early education and support services to low- income families who receive these services free of charge. Children who have had their 3rd birthday on or before Sept. 1, and who are in a family that is certified as having an income below the 85th percentile of the State Median Income are eligible to attend State Preschool

  • 74% of our children are dual-language learners

Facts about the benefits of high-quality preschool programs

  • Research demonstrates that children who attend a high-quality preschool are more likely to graduate from high school, attend college and own a home
  • For every $1 spent on high-quality early education, there is a $7 return to society in reduced crime, education, and public assistance costs
  • Children who attend preschool have higher standardized test scores in K-12 than those who don't
  • Children who attend preschool have lower rates of grade repetition and are less-likely to need special education services than those who don't
  • Children who attend preschool are better prepared for kindergarten in the areas of social-emotional skills, self-help skills, fine motor skills, letter recognition, and number concepts than those who don't