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Budget Process Update

Budget Process Update

Dear HUSD Community,

I want to give you an update on the progress of our budget solutions process and to thank our community for being actively engaged in this important work. 

As you may know, in October, HUSD projected a budget shortfall of $31 million—an amount that is likely to increase significantly when we report our first interim budget. This shortfall is due to a combination of ongoing enrollment declines, state budget challenges, expired COVID funding, and the state’s continued underfunding of legally required special education services. You can read more about our budget here

The district needs to urgently identify solutions to close the funding gap and develop a plan for implementing changes. This is an historically large budget shortfall, and engaging our community in the process is key to successfully finding solutions toward a path of sustainability.

Here is where things stand:

Budget Survey
Thank you to everyone who has already completed our Community Budget Survey.

We have received more than 1,300 responses to the questionnaire. The survey closes December 12, this Thursday, so there is still time to complete it if you have not yet done so. Additionally, we are soliciting feedback in a separate survey from middle and high school students. At the moment, we plan to share both survey results publicly by the end of the year. 

Town Halls
budget town hallWe are dedicated to having meaningful discussions about our budget challenges. To date, we have hosted four community town halls at schools. Two more in-person community town halls are scheduled this week, Tuesday at Glassbrook Elementary (5:30 p.m.) and Wednesday at Burbank Elementary (6 p.m.). See the full schedule at our Budget Solutions web page and please join us if you can. Each meeting is open to the whole community. We will also host a virtual online town hall on December 17 at 5:30 p.m., details to follow.

In addition, we have made budget presentations to more than half a dozen family and community groups so far.

In total, I and other district leaders will have met with more than 1,000 people by the end of the week.

In an effort to provide as much information about our budget situation, we are regularly adding to the Frequently Asked Questions section of the Budget Solutions website. Check back often for everything related to this process. 

Lastly, I want to make note of the fact that our budget situation, and the concern over possible reductions, has led to speculation about what budget adjustments are planned. We have made no decisions regarding any budget adjustments at this time. The district is still in the process of evaluating options, analyzing finances, and collecting information from the community, staff members, and various groups. Legally required services, including special education, will continue. We will share details about possible changes to programs or services after the first of the year.

This is a sobering moment in HUSD history. I take no pleasure in having to contemplate reductions to services or programs. I am confident, however, that by working together, we can navigate these challenges and emerge stronger as a community.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at

Thank you,

Jason Reimann