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Bret Harte Relocation Meeting

  • Bret Harte
Bret Harte Relocation Meeting
bret harte front view

To families in the Bret Harte, East Avenue, Fairview, Stonebrae, Cherryland, Harder, and Faith Ringgold school communities:

The HUSD Board of Education and Solutions Team Committee are seeking input to help make an important decision impacting the Bret Harte community. HUSD is collecting input on relocating Bret Harte Middle School to two possible locations: the former campuses of Highland and Strobridge schools. View this presentation to learn about the reason for relocating the school, options for its relocation, and a timeline. Offer your input with this survey by October 3.

To participate in a public discussion about this relocation, attend the Solutions Team meeting on Wednesday, October 4 at 4 p.m. using this Zoom link.