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Credit Recovery

Credit Recovery

Registration by counselor referral only

The YEP Credit Recovery program provides students with the opportunity to get back on schedule to graduate when they have fallen behind. The program is led by teachers and operates Monday - Friday from 3:45-5:45 PM.  Priority registration is for Seniors.  To be referred to the program, students need to contact their school counselor.

View the Credit Recovery Flyers below:

2024-25 Hayward High Flyer
2024-25 Mt. Eden High Flyer
2024-25 Tennyson High Flyer
2024-25 HHS Credit Recovery
2024-25 MEHS Credit Recovery
2024-25 THS Credit Recovery


To access the Credit Recovery Application Form, please click on your high school name or scan the QR code below:

Hayward High School


Mt. Eden High School


Tennyson High School