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YEP High School

The YEP high school program provides students with access to after school activities designed to enrich their high school experience and improve their social and interpersonal skills, establish relationships with their teachers and peers, and improve their academic performance with programs like Credit Recovery, Bridge to College, and Driver’s  Education.  YEP also sponsors teacher-led activities such as the African American Student Union, Newspaper Club, Robotics Club, Polynesian Club, and Ballet Folklorico.  These sponsored activities are facilitated by teachers and/or school staff.

While there are activities scheduled Monday through Friday from the time school ends until 6:00 pm, students only attend the classes or activities for which they have registered, during their scheduled days and times.

Credit Recovery
Registration by counselor referral only
The YEP Credit Recovery program provides students with the opportunity to get back on schedule to graduate when they have fallen behind. The program is led by teachers and operates Monday - Friday from 3:45-5:45 PM.  Priority registration is for Seniors.  To be referred to the program, students need to contact their school counselor.

Click here for more information.

Online Driver’s Education
For students age 15 and up

Driver's Education is the first step for teens to obtain a learner's permit and driver's license.  This interactive course uses the latest in animation, video, and web technology, to teach students the basic fundamentals of being a safe driver, and prepares them to take the California driver’s license written, and behind-the-wheel exams. A licensed Driver's Education Instructor is available to answer any questions and help students.  Students who successfully complete the course receive a DMV approved Driver’s training certificate. 

Click here for more information.

Sponsorships - Teacher-Led Activities
Registration by counselor only

Through sponsorships, YEP supports many enrichment activity options for students that are led and facilitated by school teachers and staff. These activities are a huge draw for students as they allow students to explore their interests and develop relationships with their peers and teachers, strengthening their connection to their school community.  Activities vary by site and include options such as band, orchestra, choir, drama, film, leadership, dance, step, culinary arts, video production, AVID, Puente, and cultural enrichment clubs.  To find out more about the YEP sponsored activities at your school, contact the YEP Site Lead.

Click here for more information.

Bridge to College
Click here for more information.