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Intervention Services Guide


Academic Intervention Supplemental instruction (SI) programs may be offered before or after the regular school day, on Saturdays whose test scores are far below basic or below basic, or at risk of not passing the CAHSEE.

Accelerated Instruction Supplemental Instruction offered during the school day only to students who have failed one or both parts of the California High School Exit Exam.

Adewole Adewole Intervention Project is a culturally relevant school-based project dedicated to the success of African American male students. It provides pupil advocacy and support in the following areas: Academics, teacherstaff

development, cultural enrichment, family services, and community resources. The goal of Adewole Intervention Project is to nurture and develop "well rounded", disciplined, committed, and academically successful

African-American students.

Advanced Placement The Advance Placement Program offers a college/university level curriculum for high school students. An A.P. course will assess students by college/university level standards.

ALAS Program works with parents of categorically funded students to coordinate activities designed to increase educational ad vocational options for students and serve as a resource to teachers and staff. Coordinates parent

involvement and assist parent with becoming advocates for students.

AVID The AVID is a high school elective course that is designed to support middle-level students in preparing to compete competitively for admittance to college. AVID focuses on writing, inquiry, and collaboration. Students

work on improving their writing skills and their discussions skills. Students also work with tutors for subjects in which they need support.

Cal-SAFE The California School Age Families Education (Cal-SAFE) Program is designed to increase the availability of support services necessary for enrolled expectant/parenting students to improve academic achievement and

parenting skills and to provide a quality child care/development program for their children.(Case Management Services provided to all secondary levels) ◙ - Childcare center location

Children's Hospital The Center for Child Protection at Children's Hospital & Research offers crisis assessment, intervention and group therapy. The primary goal is to provide rapid response and early intervention following a traumatic event. A clinical social worker provides short-term therapy to children and collateral meetings and psycho-education to their caregivers and has psycho-educational groups for children twice a year.

Concurrent Enrollment YEP collaboration with Chabot College where college instructors teach Sociology 1 and Sociology 3 on high school campus for college credit. Course books free of charge for YEP students.

Cyber High Credit Recovery

Credit recovery software program located at the three comprehensive HUSD high schools. Offers students a second opportunity to complete A-G course work.

EAOP Early Academic Outreach Program (EAOP) is a pre-collegiate student academic development program that provides students with ongoing academic advising and academic enrichment services to ensure that they successfully complete the required college preparatory courses and apply for the UC or CSU system.

ETS ETS (Educational Talent Search) is administered by the Chabot/Las Positas Community College District. It is designed to encourage students stay in school, improve their grades point averages, graduate from high school, and go to college. The foundation of Educational Talent Search is an after school program which includes academic tutoring, educational and motivational workshops.

First 5 School Readiness

Provides children without formal preschool or child care experience an opportunity to participate in developmentally appropriate activities for six weeks prior to starting Kindergarten in HUSD. Hayward Adult School collaborates with the First 5 Pre-K camps by providing the parent education component. (Site locations vary each summer)

GATE Gifted and Talented Education students are identified based on GATE testing as well as CST testing results. Provides unique education opportunities for high-achieving and underachieving pupils. GATE curricular components are required to be planned and organized as integrated differentiated learning experiences within the regular school day and may be augmented or supplemented with other differentiated activities.

Gear Up California State GEAR UP (Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs) is a middle school model for creating a college-going culture. The program works to develop and sustain the organizational capacity of middle schools by supporting the adults who influence a student's education by creating a college-going culture.

Healthy Start Under formal Agreement with the local Hayward Unified School District, La Familia is the lead agency for a Healthy Start Initiative. These school-based initiatives mobilize a vast range of human services to address the unique needs of students at risk and their families. Residents hired as Family Advocates mobilize resources and assist newcomers to navigate in the complex school system and other available private and public resources.

Kids Connect/PIP (Primary Intervention Program)

A joint effort of state and local mental agencies and local school districts. HUSD works cooperatively with Eden Children's Services, a not-for-profit counseling agency, to deliver services through the Primary Intervention Program, KIDS CONNECT provides kindergarten through third grade children one-to-one time in a safe, secure atmosphere with a specially trained adult. KIDS CONNECT is not a counseling program and is not a remedial academic program. In a playroom setting, guided by the "Child Associate," children are given the opportunity to make their own choices and decisions. They learn about their feelings and are accepted for who they are and therefore increase their self-esteem. Children accepted into the program meet once a week for 12-15 weeks.

Latchkey Provides an efficient and effective child care and development system, as determined by community needs, offering a full range of services in a safe, healthful and nurturing environment. Program operates before and after school.

Our Kids Behavioral health services provided to youth and their families. School-based clinical case management. Referrals and facilitates linkages to resources that can prevent children experiencing extraordinary personal challenges from entering more intensive and/or restrictive service delivery systems. To support children and their families in attaining successful life and educational outcomes. Services provided by: Alameda County Health Care - East Bay Agency for Children (EBAC)/Child Assault Prevention (CAP) - Fred Finch - Seneca Center - STARS Community Services - Youth & Family Services Bureau/HPD

Project Eden A prevention program, striving to keep young people from beginning to use alcohol and other drugs. Counselors offer psycho educational support groups. Students are referred by faculty, staff, parents or themselves for education and counseling on issues such as the negative effects of using alcohol and other drugs, communication skills, conflict resolution, decision making, goal setting, and anger management.

Puente The mission of the Puente Project is to increase the number of educationally underserved students who enroll in four-year colleges and universities, earn degrees, and return to the community as leaders and mentors.

Reading First Differentiated instruction and early intervention for students who are at risk of being referred to Special Education.

Summer School Supplemental instruction (SI) programs in core subject areas offered during summer session.

Supplemental Education Services (SES)

Educational services that can include tutoring and other supplemental academic enrichment services that are in addition to the instruction provided during the school day. The services must be of high quality, research based, and specifically designed to increase the academic achievement of eligible children on the state assessments. The services must be designed to help students attain proficiency in meeting the state's academic achievement standards. Services must be provided by an eligible provider that has a demonstrated record of effectiveness in increasing student academic achievement. (Limited spaces available at each site)

Tiburcio Vasquez Health Center

Provides comprehensive primary care services. TVHC School Based/School Linked Health services provide a wide range of programs that include individual counseling and case management, individual, group and peer health education, after school activities and role modeling, health outreach, crisis intervention and peer-to-peer social support. ◙ - Clinic location

Upward Bound Provides academic support; postsecondary assistance, financial aid assistance and workshops, college and cultural field trips, study skills and tutorial assistance.

YEP(Youth Enrichment Program)

Uses the resources, energy, and talents of the entire Hayward community to provide enrichment activities for youth and to create a safe environment for children to interact and learn. Activities are held after school daily until 6 pm, in addition to during summer vacation when it to operates 4-5 hours per day.

Youth & Family Service Bureau/HPD

YFSB provides crisis intervention and counseling services for Hayward families (parent and youth). The YFSB has many programs that provide outreach for at risk youth, diversion and intervention services working with HUSD to provide on site mental health services. The YFSB runs the School Resource Officer (SRO) program that provides uniformed police officers in all Hayward middle and high schools. (C=Counseling Services)

For programs by school site, please print the Intervention Services Guide .