Special Circumstance Transfer
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Parents may request a transfer for the upcoming school year to access a specific educational program that is not available at their resident school. Some examples of special programs include Transitional Kindergarten (TK) and language alternative programs. Additionally, families may request a transfer for a special circumstance which causes serious hardship to the family if the student attends their resident school. Hardships resulting from school closure or boundary changes will be considered. All transfers are subject to available space at the desired school.
Dual Language Immersions (DLI)
The Dual Language Immersion program builds fluency in both languages with a 50/50 model. Initial entry into the Dual Language Immersion program is for grades TK, K, and 1st to build foundations in both languages. Upper-grade placement is dependent upon an appropriate educational background in both languages. Applicants must attend a DLI orientation meeting.
- Burbank Elementary ( English & Spanish)
- Schafer Park Elementary (English & Spanish)
- Stonebrae Elementary (English & Mandarin Chinese)
It is required to have an email in order to complete the special circumstance transfer application. Please create a Google email account.
You can access the Special Circumstance transfer application using the button below. Please fill out the transfer application completely.
2024 - 2025 Special Circumstance Transfer Form
2025 - 2026 Special Circumstance Transfer Form
Child Welfare & Attendance (CWA) Office
24823 Soto Rd Rm 31 Hayward, CA 94544
Phone: (510) 723-3857 x 34207 or 34208
Email: studenttransfer@husd.us