The interdistrict transfer process applies to those parents who would like their children to attend a school outside of their resident district (HUSD Board Policy 5117). Interdistrict transfers must be approved by both districts prior to enrollment. Please see your resident school district for criteria. For HUSD's criteria, please read the information below. The requested district has the right to assign interdistrict transfer students to any school in the district.
The transfer process begins at the school district of residence. If approved by the resident district, the requested district may then consider it. Once an interdistrict transfer has been approved by both districts and the student is enrolled in school, the student shall not have to reapply for an interdistrict transfer except when transitioning from elementary to middle school or middle school to high school. A school district of residence or a school district of enrollment shall not rescind existing interdistrict transfer permits for 11th or 12th grade students.
Criteria for Considering Interdistrict Transfers
The Superintendent or designee may approve interdistrict agreements for the following reasons:
Reason for Request
Documentation Required
Child Care
(K-6 Only)
Proof of employment of all parents/guardians who are involved in the student’s life on a day–to-day basis
Copy of a recent pay stub
Letter on the employer’s stationary verifying schedule (hours and days) and location of employment
If self-employed, letter stating schedule (hours and days) and location of employment
Letter from the adult, center, or organization providing day care
Name, address and contact information of the adult, center or organization
Child care license number and fees, if applicable
Hours of operation for the center or organization, or the hours that the student is under care
Length of time student has been under care by the adult, center or organization
Letter from parent/guardian explaining the circumstance that an interdistrict permit is necessary under child care reasons
Parent Employment
(If District of Attendance policy permits)
Proof of employment of all parents/guardians who are involved in the student’s life on a day–to-day basis
Copy of a recent pay stub
Letter on the employer’s stationary verifying schedule (hours and days) and location of employment
If self-employed, letter stating schedule (hours and days) and location of employment
Letter from parent/guardian explaining the circumstance that an interdistrict permit is necessary under parent employment reasons
Name, grade and school where the sibling attends (sibling must already attend the proposed District of Attendance)
Copy of sibling’s last report card
Copy of sibling’s release permit from the District of Residence
Health & Safety
Letter or report from a doctor, psychologist, or other appropriate person verifying health-related issues (if applicable)
Police or school report supporting safety-related issues (if applicable)
Letter from parent/guardian explaining the circumstance that an interdistrict permit is necessary under health and safety reasons
Specialized Program
Copy of the flyer, brochure, or other informational material detailing the specialized program in which the student is interested
Letter from parent/guardian expressing the extent of the student’s interest in the specialized program, and how the program is either unavailable or not comparable at the District of Residence
Continuing Enrollment
Copy of student’s last report card
Letter from parent/ guardian stating the enrollment history (grade and school/district) of the student since kindergarten
Final Year
Copy of student’s last report card
Change in Residence
Copy of escrow documents/ rental agreements
Download and complete the Interdistrict Transfer Application linked below. Email completed transfer form, and all the required back ground documents to