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What is a Complaint?

Generally, a complaint is an oral or written statement that alleges that a situation is unsatisfactory or may appear unacceptable. A lot happens at school every day. Most complaints occur when a student, parent / guardian, or even a staff member does not understand a protocol or has not been informed of a problem. Start the dialogue at the level closest to the problem.

*If a complainant is unable to submit a written complaint due to conditions such as disability or illiteracy, district personnel will assist them in submitting the complaint.                                        

Most concerns can be adequately resolved by following these steps:

  1. Make an appointment with the teacher or counselor.
  2. Make an appointment with the site principal or assistant principal (if this is a school-wide concern, start with the principal).
  3. Make an appointment with the site administrator's supervisor. (Site administrators are the assistant principal's supervisors)
Complaint Form (English) Complaint Form (Spanish)

Complaint Definitions

District Policies

Our Commitment

Hayward Unified School District is committed to establishing and sustaining a community that shares a collective responsibility a community that shares a collective responsibility to recognize, interrupt, dismantle,m and eliminate actions, decisions, and outcomes that result from and perpetuate racism. The district rejects all forms of racism as destructive to the district's mission of educational equity.