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ELPAC for Families

The English Language Proficiency Assessment for California (ELPAC) is a required state test for all students who are identified as English Learners.

This annual state mandated exam helps teachers and parents to understand how students are progressing in developing their English proficiency. It is also one of the four state-required criteria for reclassification.

The ELPAC Initial Assessment (ELPAC IA) is given to students within 30 days of enrollment, depending on how the parent/guardian has answered certain questions on the Home Language Survey (HLS). The ELPAC Initial helps to identify whether a student is an English Learner (EL), or Initially Fluent English Proficient (IFEP). The ELPAC IA is only given to each student once.

The ELPAC Summative Assessment (ELPAC SA) measures students' proficiency in the four domains of language: Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking. The ELPAC SA is administered annually to all English Learners.

Keep reading for frequently asked questions regarding the annual ELPAC test.

1. Who has to take the ELPAC?

All students who have been identified as English Learners must take the ELPAC SA each year. Students who are new to California may have to take the ELPAC IA, depending on the results of their Home Language Survey.

2. When do students have to take the ELPAC?

The annual window for the ELPAC SA falls from February 1 to May 31 each year. The ELPAC IA is administered year round, within 30 days of the student's initial enrollment.

3. I am not comfortable with my child taking this test. Can I opt my child out of the ELPAC?

No. Unlike other state exams, such as the CAASPP, students cannot opt out of ELPAC testing.

4. My child is a newcomer who just enrolled and took the ELPAC Initial. Do they still have to take the ELPAC Summative?

Yes. Even if the student just enrolled, they are required to take the ELPAC Summative during the annual testing window. The Multilingual Learner department recommends that these students be tested last when possible, in order to give them as much time as possible to grow their English skills.

5. Can I volunteer to help with testing at my child's school?

The ELPAC can only be given by trained HUSD staff. Please check with your child's principal to see whether there are other ways you could volunteer to help out.

6. Is there a special schedule for ELPAC testing?

As with the CAASPP, school sites determine their own schedules for ELPAC testing. Check with your child's principal  to learn more about your school's testing schedule.

7. My child has an Individual Education Plan (IEP) and/or 504 plan. Are there accommodations and modifications available for this test?

Yes. Their accommodations and modifications will be the same as those they use on the CAASPP. Check with your child's case manager for more information on which accommodations or modifications are appropriate and are written in your child's IEP or 504 plan.

8. My child has an IEP and I feel the ELPAC Summative is not an appropriate test for them. Can they be exempt from it?

Students who are ELs must take either the ELPAC Summative, or the Alternate ELPAC. The Alternate ELPAC is designed for students who would also take the California Alternate Assessment (CAA), and it must be written into the student's IEP. Otherwise, they must take the ELPAC Summative.

9. Can my child take the ELPAC remotely?

No. In HUSD, students must be given the ELPAC in person. If your child is on Independent Study, the principal and/or EL Specialist will communicate with their teacher and schedule a time for your child to come to your home school for testing.

10. When will my child's ELPAC scores be available?

ELPAC scores are usually released beginning in May of the testing year, with additional releases every two weeks, based on when the student completed the test.

11. Where can I view my child's ELPAC scores?

Once available, you can view your child's scores on the Infinite Campus Parent Portal.

12. What can I do to help my child prepare for the ELPAC Summative?

You can help your child by using the ELPAC Practice tests, by reading with your child, and by giving your child opportunities to practice using English. On days when your child will be taking the ELPAC, encourage them to get a good night's sleep and to eat breakfast.


ELPAC Overviews for Parents

ELPAC Overview for Parents | English

ELPAC Overview for Parents | Spanish

Parent Guides to Understanding

Click the dropdowns below to view the Parent Guides to Understanding for each type of ELPAC exam, available in nine languages.