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Resources for Families

In Hayward, we are committed to including families in their children's education. Parents and guardians play a critical role in students' academic success, and we see partnering with families as an opportunity to ensure that all of our students -- especially our multilingual learners -- are fully supported both in and beyond the classroom.

Family kitchen table

My child is a Multilingual Learner. What does this mean?

The Multilingual Learner, or English Learner, designation is grounded in both state and federal laws. Oakland-based EdSource has compiled a guide for parents in both English and Spanish to help understand what it means to be a Multilingual Learner, and how to become Redesignated Fluent English Proficient (RFEP).

What Parents of English Learners Need to Know | Quick Guide



Supporting your Multilingual Child at Home

In HUSD, we know that our teachers and staff are only half of the equation when it comes to your child's academic success. We encourage all of our families to take an active role in their children's education.


One of the best ways to support your child is to encourage reading at home. You can read to your child (either in English or in the language you speak at home), encourage your child to read to you (either in English, a target language from one of our Dual Language programs, or in the language you speak at home), or help your older child find a quiet space at home to read to themselves.

Is it okay to read to my child in my native language?There is a wealth of research that shows that reading to your child or teaching your child to read in your native language (or the language spoken at home) has long-term benefits, making it easier for your child to master reading and writing in English alongside your home language. Click here for more details on how reading to your child can help them, and to see the list of studies.

Mother reading to child


Free Resources for Families

Newcomer families toolkit

Click below to download the Newcomer Families Toolkit, authored by the National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition.





colorín colorado

Colorín Colorado offers support to families in English and Spanish, covering topics from teaching your child to read, to supporting your teen. Click the button below to be taken straight to their family resource page.

Colorín Colorado for Families

Get Involved

Want to get involved in supporting your Multilingual student at the school or district level?


The District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) meets monthly. Click here to visit the DELAC webpage.


Nearly every school site hosts an English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) at least 5 times per year. Click here for more information, or check with your child's principal.

Migrant Education Program

HUSD is proud to have a robust Migrant Education Program (MEP). Click here to visit the MEP page for more information.