Classification & Compensation Project
The Human Resources Department and the Personnel Commission are very pleased to announce that HUSD has contracted with an outside consulting firm, Evergreen Solutions, LLC (Evergreen), to evaluate our classification an compensation system for the classified group. Evergreen is a public sector management consulting firm with extensive experience in administering this type of project. This study is being conducted to ensure your position's classification reflects its duties and responsibilities and its salary range assignment is internally equitable and competitive within our employment markets.
For more information, please review the Introduction Letter 03.06.2024.
Project Orientation
Thank you to those who attended the orientation. If you were unable to attend, the recording is available below:
Classification and Compensation Orientation 03.13.2024
The slide show presentation can be found here: Hayward USD - Employee Orientation Presentation
Job Assessment Tool
Thank you to everyone who completed the JAT. The completion deadline has passed