Field Trips
Request Process
Step 1) Office staff/Admin should submit a work order for the trip. This will generate a trip number for reference. Please add the trip number to the informed K12 form.
Step 2) Fill out the Informed k12 form with the budget code you plan to use for the trip. (Date will be calendared tentatively)
Step 3) Once you have all approved signatures, the admin should return the form to Transportation
Step 4) The trip will be confirmed through email and calendar date
Steps one and two should be done simultaneously to ensure all signatures are completed quickly.
Bus pricing on the district website for price quotes. Mileage is calculated from the corp yard and back.
Please be sure to add the school's budget code on the K12 even if your parent group may be paying for the field trip.
All PTA and other Funding should be deposited into the school's transportation account, and the accounting department will withdraw the funds once they receive our final paperwork.