Proposition 28
Background of Funding
Proposition 28, also known as the Arts and Music in Schools (AMS) Funding Guarantee and Accountability Act, is an ongoing program that provides funding for California's public schools for the foreseeable future. The program was approved by voters on November 8, 2022 in an effort to provide additional funding for Arts and Music Education. Proposition 28 provides additional funding for arts and music education in all K-12 public schools (including charter schools) by annually allocating from the state General Fund an amount equaling 1% of required state and local funding for public schools. Proposition 28 allocates a greater proportion of the funds to schools serving more economically disadvantaged students. Schools with 500 or more students must spend at least 80% of funding to employ teachers and the remainder on training, supplies, and education partnerships. Requires audits and limits administrative costs to 1% of funding. The funding is required to be used on new or expanding arts programming.
Read the Proposition 28 Board of Education Report
Proposal Process
The district drafted a proposal process for administrators to use with their site teams to develop their site plan for spending their Proposition 28 allocation. The proposals included the requirement for engaging educational partners and VAPA staff and families. The proposal drafts were revised based on administrator, VAPA teacher and staff feedback. In the spring of 2023-24 the district shared the final proposal process with all district schools. Guidance and resource documents were also developed, including standardized materials for MPR equipment (sound, lighting) for schools to use in their planning. The district spent the spring working with schools to develop their proposals, ensuring there was voice from their site VAPA team and finalizing their plans in time to add new courses in preparation for the 2024-25 school year. The HUSD plan proposal documents have been recognized by the ACOE Arts Team as model documents.
Arts and Standards Important Notes
New courses must align with the CA Arts Standards in order to be covered through Proposition 28 funds
Any courses must use curriculum that follows the four artistic processes in the CA Art Standards in order to be covered through Proposition 28 funds
The Four Artistic Processes in the CA Arts Standards should be used as guidance in all arts programming
HUSD Proposition 28 Planning Template
Site Funding Allocation and Transparency
The district received $3,070,725 in district allocation. The district has led a transparent process in sharing the site allocations and budgets. The information has been shared at multiple meetings, including at the Community Proposition 28 event, Staff messages, Principal Network and in the proposal documents. The Proposition 28 funding was determined by the state and allocated by school site. The district did not receive their initial 2023-24 school year Proposition 28 funding until February 2024, considered Year 1 by the state. The state only distributed $600,000 of the $3,000,000 to HUSD at that time.
The remaining funds were distributed in late spring. This CDE funding sheet shows the amounts of Proposition 28 funding. There were no Proposition funds used in the school year 2023-24. Current school year, (2024-25) spending will be taken from the 2023-24 allocations, labeled as “Year 1”, as year one spending needs to begin or it will be reclaimed by the state.