GATE (Gifted and Talented Education)
Gifted and Talented Education programs are integrated into the instructional programs of all schools in the Hayward Unified School District and are designed to meet the needs of students who consistently demonstrate abilities beyond those of other children of their same age.
HUSD educators work hard to provide differentiated learning opportunities in order to challenge and support the abilities and talents of our students, as well as shore up their areas of need.
For more information about gifted and talented abilities, see National Association for Gifted Children.
HUSD uses multiple measures to assess academic giftedness and talent in the arts, including teacher observations and recommendations, and classroom performance and assessment.
Students may be identified by a combination of formal assessment, and/or evaluation by a GATE Review Team.
Once identified as gifted and talented, a student will be eligible for HUSD GATE programs and opportunities for as long as the student is enrolled in an HUSD school.
Students exiting HUSD
Once a student receives an HUSD GATE Eligibility Form, this document may be taken to a new school district. Each school district maintains specific eligibility requirements for GATE, therefore students are subject to the requirements of the new district.
At the Elementary level, teachers are offered professional development to enhance their skills in challenging and supporting gifted and talented students.
Students may be offered a combination of alternate assignments, individual contracts, and after-school programs, (e.g. STEAM, drama, chess…).
HUSD teachers work to provide enrichment opportunities that are designed to reveal the gifted potential in Hayward students.
At the secondary level, students are clustered based on subject-matter competency, as well as have the opportunity to select from various elective courses that fit their interest levels.
Kristen Eng Popper
GATE Teacher on Special Assignment
Phone: (510) 784-2600 x 72725
STEAM Showcase
2023 HUSD STEAM Innovation Showcase
The HUSD STEAM Showcase is an exciting, districtwide event designed to share our work with the whole community, including parents, students, teachers, dignitaries, and community members. This event is a collaborative extension of the STEAM, GATE, and Family Engagement programs at HUSD.
The 2023 STEAM Showcase is a celebration of our STEAM learning and highlights innovative projects and student and family programs in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, and Mathematics.
Visit our STEAM Innovation website to view the awesome project videos from 2022!
Thank you so much for encouraging and supporting your students in participating this year! We hope to see you and your project at our 2023 STEAM Showcase on June 3, 2023 at Hayward High!
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