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Operational Sustainability

Board Decision Regarding School Closures and Changes to Boundaries and Programs

The HUSD Board of Education discussed and took action on revised recommendations brought forward regarding school closures and changes to boundaries and programs. The following is a summary of their decision. 

2022/23 School Year 
School Closure

Bowman Elementary

Strobridge Elementary

Program Relocation and Campus Closure SIAC and HUB preschool programs move to elementary school sites

*All other decisions were tabled. New proposed boundaries based on board action and community input will be brought forward at the December 8 board meeting. 

Elementary Schools Map

School Boundaries Lookup

Creating an Equitable Educational Experience at HUSD

The Challenge

HUSD’s facilities are aging and require over $900M in investment. Additionally, the district is facing a continuing decline in enrollment due primarily to changing demographics and the high cost of living in the Bay Area. HUSD is carefully examining these challenges while planning for a budget shortfall.

The Opportunity 

Our district is well positioned to provide students with a more equitable educational experience that offers every child the opportunity to access modern facilities and receive continuity of educational programs. A shift in how we utilize our facilities can also result in exciting opportunities for our students such as:

  • Offering preschool/TK classes at all of our elementary schools
  • Expanding our dual-language. immersion programs at elementary school and continuing them in middle school.
  • Ensuring that all elementary and middle school students have access to either new facilities or modernized classrooms.
  • Transforming the Parent Resource HUB into a full service resource center for families by offering new services such as technology and English learner support.
  • Utilizing our properties to bring in much-needed revenue to the district for strategic reinvestment.

We can do better to align the use of our facilities, the needs of our community, and the availability of our limited resources. We are proposing changes to our boundaries, planning for more continuity of programs, and recommending school closures to better serve our community.

Operational Sustainability is a strategic initiative aimed at helping HUSD achieve its mission by utilizing resources and facilities more efficiently and effectively. This initiative will support the mission of the district by creating engaging and equitable educational experiences that are delivered in a safe and supportive environment.

The plan is an initial recommendation based on the data and feedback received over the past three years through community town halls, various committees, the development of a strategic plan, and from facilities and financial data.

School Usage Design Team

This Operational Sustainability initiative calls for a comprehensive analysis of facilities, capacity, programs, and enrollment trends to better serve our educational community and this analysis is supported by a committed group of stakeholder representatives that form our School Usage Design Team. Since January 2020, they have dedicated many hours to analyzing our current reality and developing criteria essential to assessing each of our learning environments. Review the full report of this project: School Usage Design Team Report.

2021 Facilities Master Plan

The Facilities Master Plan helped identify a needs-based, equitable facilities plan to create learning environments that support our programmatic needs. Through surveys, site assessments, historical documents, and interviews with each school, an updated Facilities Master Plan was prepared. Review the 2021 Facilities Master Plan Update.

2021/22 Budget

Declining enrollment was impacting programs and services even before the COVID-19 pandemic. Staffing reductions and program closures were implemented in 2017/18 and 2019/20 to reduce over $13M in expenses. Now, over $14M in further reductions is needed to achieve a balanced budget. Review the 2021-22 Adopted Budget.

Board Resolution

Review the #2122-28 Implementation of the Operational Sustainability Initiative 2022-2023

Cherryland Elementary

Community Engagement

We have worked with content experts to examine complex issues related to our fiscal status, demographic trends, and the current state of our facilities. 

Thank you for joining us at the various community meetings to share your feedback:


Special Board of Education Meeting

Town Halls Meetings

Monday, October 18, 2021 Town Hall Meeting Video

Tuesday, October 19, 2021 Town Hall Meeting Video

Wednesday, October 20, 2021Town Hall Meeting Video              

Tuesday, October 26, 2021 Town Hall Meeting Video

Tuesday, November 9, 2021 Town Hall Meeting Video