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Budget Solutions 2024-25

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What are your priorities for HUSD? Tell us in this Community Budget Survey.
The survey closed December 18.


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Upcoming Community Budget Meetings

In October, HUSD projected a budget shortfall of $31 million. That amount has increased significantly to approximately $55 million with the release of the First Interim Financial Report on December 16. This shortfall is due to a combination of ongoing enrollment declines, state budget challenges, expired COVID funding, and the state’s continued underfunding of legally required special education services.  

The district needs to urgently identify solutions to close the funding gap and develop a plan for implementing changes. This is a historically large budget shortfall, and engaging our community in the process is key to successfully finding solutions toward a path of sustainability.

As we begin developing budget solutions, we want to ensure that families, students, staff and the broader community are informed and have opportunities to share their input. 

 This web page will be updated regularly with new information. Check back often.

The Current Challenge

When HUSD creates its budget each year, it also creates a three-year budget projection. In this budget projection, school districts are required to maintain a minimum of 3 percent in their general funds as a reserve for economic uncertainties. This reserve is required to be met for this year, and also for the next three years. In order to meet this requirement for the next three years, HUSD will need to reduce spending for the 2025-2026 school year and moving forward.

In December, we shared with the school board our First Interim Budget Report. Our budget shortfall now stands at $55 million. This places HUSD's budget in "negative certification" status. A negative certification means that we will be spending from our budget reserves unless we make reductions this year. It also means that the Alameda County Office of Education (ACOE) and the Fiscal Crisis and Management Assistance Team (FCMAT) will be assigning staff to work with our district to ensure that reductions are made to fall within our budget allocation.