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COVID-19 Response Team for Staff

Tested Positive for COVID? What should I do now? 

Return To Work- updated

Effective January 09, 2024, CalOSHA changed when an employee can return to work based on an updated definition of "infectious period" by CDPH.  

  • For positive COVID-19 cases with symptoms, employee must be excluded from the workplace for a minimum of 24 hours from the day of symptom onset.
  • Employee may return to work
    • If 24 hours have passed with no fever, without the use of fever-reducing medications, and their symptoms are mild and improving
    • Must Mask when you are around other people indoors for the 10 days after you become sick or test positive. 
      • You may remove your mask sooner than 10 days if you have two sequential negative tests at least one day apart, and submit those results here.
  • For positive COVID-19 cases with no symptoms, there is no infectious period for the purpose of isolation or exclusion.
    • If symptoms develop, the COVID-19 cases with symptoms criteria will apply.

Please contact the COVID-19 Response Team (CRT) at if you have any questions regarding COVID-19.

Close Contact

  • Close contacts who do not have are symptoms regardless of vaccination status, do not need to quarantine or be excluded from work after exposure to an infected household member, but they are considered a high-risk contact with a much higher likelihood of infection and should more carefully follow all the recommended actions in the guidance, including getting tested if recommended (based on symptoms or risk of serious disease) and wearing a well-fitting mask indoors around others who may be at high-risk of serious disease, and around an infected person.  


HUSD SB 1479 for 24-25