Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
HUSD has contracted with the company, EVConnect, to provide service for these stations. To use the charging stations, you will need to set up an account with EVConnect on your smartphone or network-enabled device. To use the stations look for a green circle light on the station itself (this means it has power and is enabled for charging).
The following links can help you install and use the app:
EVConnect does not require an upfront deposit and will only charge your card based on session usage. The current charging cost is $0.42 per kWh. Once the app is installed and you have added a credit card to your account, first plug in the charging port to your vehicle, and then scan the QR code on the station itself with the app to begin your charging session.
Charging at these stations is FREE for district employees during business hours (from 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM, Monday-Friday).
To receive this discount, you MUST set up an EVConnect account using your @HUSD.K12.CA.US email account address. EVConnect will then know to apply the discount. When charging, you will see the normal $0.42 per kWh fee, but you should also see a notice saying "If applicable, your plan membership discount will be calculated during your charging session". Fees are calculated based on the time that the charging sessions begin. This means that if you start charging at 6:59 AM, you will be charged for the non-discounted rate for the entire session (even though the majority takes place during the free hours). Therefore, be careful to begin charging after 7 and before 4 PM to take advantage of the discounted rate. Happy Charging!