Business Services
Business Services Division - Administration
The Business Services Division is comprised of multiple service departments responsible for the operational functions of the district. These departments are Benefits / Risk Management, Business Support Services, Educational Information Technology, Facilities Maintenance & Operations, and Student Nutrition.
Amy Nichols Maricela Contreras-Garcia
Assistant Superintendent of Business Services Senior Executive Assistant of Business Services
Phone: (510) 784-2600 x 72702 Phone: (510) 784-2600 x 72702
Email: Email:
Business Support Services
The Business Support Services Department provides fiscal services for the district. The department functions include Accounting, Accounts Payable, Payroll, Position Control, and Purchasing.
VACANT Esther Delgado
Director III Office Specialist (Level D)
Phone: (510) 784-2600 x 72613 Phone: (510) 784-2600 x 72826
Email: Email:
Andrew Gross
Office Specialist- Payroll (Level C)
Phone: (510) 784-2600 x 72727
Benefits/Risk Management
The Benefits Department is responsible for assisting employees with district sponsored medical, dental, vision, fringe, and retiree benefits. The department also assists with commuter benefits and the Employee Assistance Program.
The Risk Department is responsible for workers' compensation, liability, claims, safety and emergency, incident reporting, property reimbursement, Title II ADA, student insurance, medical interactive, ergonomics, and hazardous chemical oversight.
Lisa Cote Stephanie Vasquez
Coordinator III Office Specialist
Phone: (510) 784-2600 x 72680 Phone: (510) 784-2600 x 72643
Email: Email:
Educational Information Technology
The EIT Department is responsible for the hardware, software and networking of computers within the district. Individuals within the department are responsible for sites within the district to provide troubleshooting, programming, and technical support.
Greg Pitzer Tammy Koning
Director Help Desk Office Specialist
Phone: (510) 784-2600 x 72524 Phone: (510) 784-2600 x 72663
Email: Email:
Facilities, Maintenance, Operations, and Transportation
The FMOT Department is responsible for planning and managing all the necessary services to ensure that each school environment is safe, comfortable and running smoothly. Technical services, such as fire alarm, heating and air conditioner systems) as well as general services such as custodial services are provided within this department.
Miguel Cruz Sarita Sharma
Director III - FMOT Administrative Secretary
Phone: (510) 784-2600 x 72800 Phone: (510) 784-2600 x 72800
Email: Email:
Stephanie Briseno Jenny Maddox
Office Specialist- Facilities Office Specialist- Maintenance and Operations
Phone: (510) 784-2600 x 72667 Phone: (510) 784-2600 x 72547
Email: Email:
Jennifer McGriff
Office Specialist- Bond
Phone: (510) 784-2600 x 72844
Student Nutrition
The Child Nutrition Department supports and provides access to nutritious meals for children within the school district. The food program offers meals and snacks to school sites. Individuals within the department are responsible for assisting sites with the packaging and distribution of food.
Lucky Vasquez Erik Moulton
Director II Office Specialist
Phone: (510) 784-2600 x 28110 Phone: (510) 784-2600 x 28216
Email: Email: