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California Physical Fitness Test (PFT)

physical fitness test

The Physical Fitness Test (PFT) is administered to students in grades five, seven, and nine.

 PFT Resources Guide

This guide helps staff become familiar with the PFT. It describes the components, data collection requirements, equations, and conversion tables used for estimating aerobic capacity and body composition, and performance standards and gives suggestions for administering the different test options.


  • PFT Coordinator Manual provides PFT Coordinators with the information and resources needed to prepare, coordinate, and carry out all the activities associated with the PFT.
  • PFT Coordinators Checklist (January 2023) is a breakdown of tasks for the PFT Coordinator and an approximate time frame for these tasks to be completed.
  •  PFT Fact Sheet is a one–page document answering questions about the what, why, who, how, and when for the PFT.
  • PFT Resources