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Bret Harte Relocation and Rebuild


  • Community Engagement Meeting #2January 8, 2025, 6:30-8:30pm at the current Bret Harte MS Campus 1047 E St. Hayward, CA
  • Bret Harte Design Committee Meeting - TBD and details to follow.
  • Community Engagement Meeting #3 - TBD details to follow.



December 30, 2024

As part of the October 11, 2023 meeting the Hayward Unified School District board approved Resolution #2324-16, Decision to Relocate and Rebuild Bret Harte Middle School.  In addition, initiating preliminary work for implementation that included assigning an architect for the design of the new Bret Harte campus, assembling a Bret Harte Design Team, Collaborating with applicable agencies and initiating studies to develop mitigation measures.  

Hayward Unified School District is in the design process to construct the new middle school on the former Highland Elementary School Campus to replace the existing Bret Harte Middle School. The new campus is being constructed for a capacity of 600 students with, 20 General Classrooms, 5 Science Classrooms, 5 Specialty Classrooms, Gym and locker rooms, MPR/Cafeteria & Kitchen, Administration, Playfields and Parking.

The architect has completed Schematic Design and is now working on the Design Development Phase.  Core Construction has been retained by the district for applicable construction work.  

Stay tuned for more updates and thank you for your continued engagement and support to help shape the future of this important school campus.