Site Based Decision Making
Site Based Decision Making (SBDM) was introduced to Hayward USD in 1996 as a strategy for ensuring that staff, parents, and students at individual school sites had a vehicle for engaging in the decision-making that most affected their own sites. Over the years, HUSD board and district leadership have affirmed the importance of SBDM as a means of exchanging ideas, data, and other information necessary to improving educational opportunities for HUSD students.
Basic Information
Site Team Resources
- Working as a Team
- Consensus Building
- MAA Distribution Memo
- SBDM Site Project Agreement
- SBDM Stamp Example
SBDM Training Follow Up Memos
Central Team
The team that will oversee all site teams in the district is the Central Team. The core composition shall include: the Superintendent, an Associate Superintendent and three site administrators (all to be appointed by the Superintendent), three classroom teachers, and two representatives of HEA appointed by the HEA President. AEOTE and SEIU will each appoint a representative. The Board will have two representatives, one of which could be a parent Alternatives may be appointed as needed by circumstances. The Central Team shall be jointly chaired by one person appointed by the Association and one person appointed by the District. Please review the Central SBDM Site Information Sheet to learn who your Central Team representatives are.
Waiver Process